Photographers for Haiti

>> Monday, January 25, 2010

Eight glasses a day. That's how much water "they" say you should drink. I don't know about you, but I'm forever forgetting. Around 4 o'clock in the afternoon I start to complain that my head hurts, and my lips are chapped, and I'm tired, and I just don't feel right, and my husband always asks me, "How much water have you had today?" Most days I think for a second and say "uhhh, none." Then I head over to the cabinet, grab a pint glass, and pour myself a nice big cool glass of water from the Brita filter in the fridge. Such an easy solution. So simple, and basic, and free!

But stop for a second. What if water was a luxury? What if you were really really thirsty, and so you headed not to the fridge, where a cold pitcher of clean water awaits you, but down the dusty road to a dirty stream and that was your only option? There are people that live like that. All over the world. Nearly 2 million people die each year due to waterborne-related disease (90% of which are children under the age of 5).

Even before the devastating earthquake that rocked Haiti on January 12th, 80% of that country's population lacked access to clean, safe, drinkable water. Now their country is flooded with earthquake relief efforts, among those the work of Thirst Relief International. They will continue to be there long after the dust settles, working to bring long-term, sustainable, clean water solutions that will serve as a building block for the future of the Haitian people.

I am proud to say that we here at LaMartina Photography have, through an organization called Photographers for Haiti, joined in those efforts. We will be hosting a day of mini-sessions, and 100% of those session fees will be donated to Thirst Relief International and their work helping the people of Haiti.

I'm still working out the details, so check back real soon to find out all the specifics. I am very excited about this project, and hope to get tons of participation!


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