Way back when, before I had babies and a husband and a dog, I had roommates. My roommates were all, of course, in similarly single situations. As the years pass, an increasing number of my past (All from craigslist, I might add. And only one complete housing fail among them!) roommates have joined me in the married with babies club.
This morning I was lucky enough to go hang out with one of those ex-roomies and his wife and their little baby girl, who isn't even a week old yet! Little S was sooo awake (and hungry!) for most of our session, but we were definitely able to capture some great moments. Here are a few of my favorites-
Baby girl in the crib that was actually handmade for her daddy by her grandaddy. I love photographing newborns with family heirlooms like that. It's so special to have that story.
And to think, they were worried that they weren't photogenic...

I do love a good baby on a couch!Thanks again for having me into your home this morning, and many thanks for the coffee!!! I look forward to doing dinner sometime soon and introducing your little one to my girlies.