
>> Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Don't get too excited. I'm not back yet as a fully functioning studio. April kind of.. slipped away from me. It happens. Life gets crazy.

Which brings me to the subject of my post: Motherhood. And more specifically, my entry in this week's iheartfaces Photo Challenge.

Me and two of my babies- my 11month-old human child, and my Canon.

Fresh from the bath. The baby, that is. Not the Canon. Never the Canon.

Check out the other entries here!

It's coming...

>> Thursday, April 14, 2011

In case you missed the news, LaMartina Photography has made some big changes. The biggest change is the move to Canada. That's done. We're here and we're allllmost unpacked. We've survived our first Canadian winter (no small feat, let me be quick to assure you!), and the smaller changes- like new colors, new logo, new camera, new website, new level of AWESOME- are still underway.

Keep checking back. I'm still working out the nitty gritty, but I've got big plans for the spring.

Big plans.

Vacation {Outer Banks. North Carolina Beach Photographer}

>> Monday, October 4, 2010

Even on vacation, when I see a cool chair I've just gotta put a baby on it. My husband didn't even blink an eye when I said "You know, I would really love to bring this chair out on the beach one day this week."

Unfortunately the weather would not cooperate, and an actual beach shoot was not possible due to crazy crazy wind and rain. But still we brought the chair up (from the basement) to the third floor deck and did a quick couple of shots.

And so, a few of the cutiest girlies around. But of course, I may be biased...

Little Brother {Springfield Virginia, Newborn Photographer}

>> Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm heading out the door for our family vacation, but I had this shoot with Mr. A (and his big brother C) this morning and I couldn't help but post a couple of my favorites before we leave. Thanks for letting me come by! We'll see you guys soon for a playdate!

Just shy of 4 months {Burke, Virginia Baby Studio Photographer}

>> Saturday, September 18, 2010

This afternoon I had a shoot planned with little miss M and her mama. We scheduled it for noon.-ish. (I'm serious, that's what it says in the contract!) Babies can certainly be unpredictable, especially once they get out of that brand-new, sleep anywhere and everywhere all the time phase. Flexibility is KEY in getting the images you want from them. This little lady is just 3 days younger than my own chickadee, so it's an age I am currently very comfortable photographing!

She made us work for it, but we got some really nice images out of today's session. It was lovely meeting you today, and I can't wait to see you guys for your next session, when we get to bring big sister along, too! Enjoy your sneak peek!

We have babies, I guess that means we're grown-ups? {Reston Virginia, Newborn Photographer}

>> Monday, September 6, 2010

Way back when, before I had babies and a husband and a dog, I had roommates. My roommates were all, of course, in similarly single situations. As the years pass, an increasing number of my past (All from craigslist, I might add. And only one complete housing fail among them!) roommates have joined me in the married with babies club.

This morning I was lucky enough to go hang out with one of those ex-roomies and his wife and their little baby girl, who isn't even a week old yet! Little S was sooo awake (and hungry!) for most of our session, but we were definitely able to capture some great moments. Here are a few of my favorites-

Baby girl in the crib that was actually handmade for her daddy by her grandaddy. I love photographing newborns with family heirlooms like that. It's so special to have that story.

And to think, they were worried that they weren't photogenic...

I do love a good baby on a couch!

Thanks again for having me into your home this morning, and many thanks for the coffee!!! I look forward to doing dinner sometime soon and introducing your little one to my girlies.

One Week {Centreville, Virginia Newborn Photographer}

>> Thursday, September 2, 2010

Much has happened since my last post here on the blog. But instead of doing a big long catching-up post (which I actually have half-finished, saved as a draft), I will just jump right in with a sneak peek from my most recent shoot.

My husband's cousin had her little girl just last week. We visited a few days after they took new baby K home, and then I went over yesterday (with my two assistants- at 22 months and 3 months old, it's a good thing this shoot was for family!) to do the newborn session.

We got some really great awake shots, and had so much fun that I just may have to go back next week to get some more shots while she's still all squishy and new! Here's a few of my faves from the shoot.

Looks like Daddy is already wrapped around somebody's little finger...


Mama, looking like a cover model just a week after having a baby.

Thanks again for letting me come over and meet the newest member of the family! I can't wait for our beach vacation- we'll definitely have to do portraits on the beach!!!

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